Ultimate Performers Tuition

Report Card Day

The player walks onto the court with confidence. Takes a deep breath and stares at the hoops with focus and determination. Exhaling slowly, he takes a few small steps and breaks into a full run. Without hesitating, he swivels past several other players, still bouncing the ball with his right hand, eyes still focus on his goal, everything else is just a blur. With his deft footwork, he positions himself for the shot and shoots the ball through the basket. The crowd erupted into a loud cheer and as the buzzer signifies the end of the match. Victory again!


How do we know if our child is winning or losing at the academic game? If they are doing well, what went right for them? If they are not, what can be done to improve the odds and put them back on the winning streak?

Here at UPT, we keep track of your child’s performance; academically and also their behaviour and learning attitude in class. We work closely with parents to come out with the best improvement strategies for the students.

Trainers and tutors work hand in hand to monitor the students’ progress and a report will be made available to the parents twice a year. Parents are welcome to contact us and discuss strategies to help their children progress and develop in a positive way.

Our team of trainers and tutors have background in psychology, mind science, and personal development coaching.

Take a moment and watch the video below to understand more on how we grade your child.

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Ultimate Performers Tuition

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