Ultimate Performers Tuition

Accelerated Learning

What is Accelerated Learning?

Accelerated Learning is a learning methodology that serves to enhance the learning process. It uses various methods to allow the learners to take charge of the learning by showing them easy to use techniques and effective learning methods. Students will be empowered to take charge of their own learning as learning using accelerated learning is fast, easy and most importantly enjoyable.

The history of Accelerated Learning

Dr.Georgi Lozanov is the first person to come out with this theory. He named this methodology “Suggestopedia”; suggestion and pedagogy (the art and science of teaching). He is particularly concerned about the influence of suggestion in teaching.

A teacher who has a negative mind-set will pass on his negativity to his students. This will create a class of negative students that is counter-productive to learning. On the other hand, a teacher who has empowering beliefs about learning will pass on this empowering belief onto her students, thus creating the positive mind-set of learning and growing.

The Secret behind Accelerated Learning

Dr. Lozanov believes the holistic learning process where the mental and physical health of the learner is the main concern. This system allows the learner to rediscover the natural curiousity in students to learn.

In this process, learners discover their latent capabilities and strengths. Dr. Lozaniv calls this hidden capabilities and strengths the Reserve of the Mind.

Students learning through the accelerated learning method find learning more enjoyable, stress free and effortless. Not only do they enjoy learning, they also understand and able to retain the lessons better. Students learn 3 to 5 times faster than when taught using ‘normal’ teaching methods.

The Principles of Accelerated Learning

As the Accelerated Learning methodology is based on the way our brain learn and process information, 9 principles are put into place to facilitate learning.

  • Playful Discovery and Experimentation
  • Emotional States
  • Learning Environment
  • Art
  • Personal Motivation
  • Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles
  • Imagination, Visualisation and Metaphor
  • Suggestion and De-suggestion
  • Team Learning and Collaboration

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